Female Chaffinch
Female Chaffinch

This female was even worse on the feeder than the male. She only landed about one in five attempts and even then didn't actually get a seed before retreating. However without any other larger birds around she became quite brave.

Copyright © 2011

The copyright holder of this image is Jamie O'Hare. All rights are reserved and no reproduction or downloading and redistribution is allowed without express permission from the photographer or his agents.

This work is registered with the UK Copyright Service

Female Chaffinch

This female was even worse on the feeder than the male. She only landed about one in five attempts and even then didn't actually get a seed before retreating. However without any other larger birds around she became quite brave.

Copyright © 2011

The copyright holder of this image is Jamie O'Hare. All rights are reserved and no reproduction or downloading and redistribution is allowed without express permission from the photographer or his agents.

This work is registered with the UK Copyright Service